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In January 2014, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and 35 players in renewable energy from around the world jointly established a Coalition for Action to promote the wider and faster uptake of renewable energy technologies.

The IRENA Coalition for Action forms a key international network to discuss industry trends, determine actions, share knowledge and exchange best practices with the vision to drive the global energy transition in line with the Sustainable Development Goal on energy. Its mission is to convene a global dialogue amongst non-governmental and governmental stakeholders to develop actions to increasing the share of renewables in the global energy mix.

Today, the Coalition brings together over 100 leading renewable energy players including private sector companies, industry associations, civil society, research institutes and intergovernmental organisations.

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The Coalition offers a number of opportunities to engage in the below working groups and IRENA’s strategic and programmatic activities.


Engages in activities that address barriers to scaling up renewable energy investments in emerging markets. Building on its white paper on this topic, the Group conducts country-specific work in high-potential markets through public-private dialogues and capacity building.

Community Energy Group

Focuses on driving community energy investments and promoting policies that empower communities and citizens to participate in energy decision-making. After launching a 怎么更改手机外网ip on best practices for community energy, the Group is developing actionable insights and engaging with stakeholders to scale up community energy practices around the world.

Decarbonising End-Use Sectors Group

Examines the decarbonisation of end-use sectors from multiple perspectives such as policy, innovation, technological, socio-economic, institutional, among others. The Group is currently developing best practices and policy recommendations on green hydrogen (hydrogen from renewable resources).


Having launched white papers on governments and utilities transitioning to 100% renewable energy, the Group continues to build momentum for renewables by examining the roles of other key actors in the energy transformation.

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  • 28 April 2023 | Abu Dhabi, UAE

    COVID-19 Call to Action Joint Communication Campaign

    The Coalition for Action put forward a campaign including a joint statement urging governments to take eight key actions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  The campaign builds on highlighting progress made in renewable energy to ensure a rapid and sustained economic recovery that aligns with global climate and sustainability objectives.
  • 07 April 2023 | Abu Dhabi, UAE

    Webinar – COVID-19 and beyond: Impact on the renewable energy sector

    Over 100 individuals representing nearly 50 entities took part in a webinar to discuss the impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on the renewable energy sector and exchange their views on what collective actions are needing to set the course for an inclusive, low-carbon economy. Please click here for a summary of the webinar.
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  • 06 May 2023 | Brussels, Belgium

    Wind Power a cornerstone of the Global Economic Recovery – “Re-building Better” for the future

    Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), IRENA Coalition for Action member, released a statement highlighting the role of wind energy in the global economic recovery following the COVID-19 crisis.
  • 28 – 29 May 2023 | Bonn, Germany

    4th International Community Wind Symposium and Community Power Forum 2023

    WWEA and LEE NRW organised this event, which brought together renewable energy and community power experts from around the world to discuss how new alliances can help community power play a key role in the renewable energy transition.
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Based on its engagement on the ground, the Coalition Business and Investors Group has put together country-specific papers with recommendations to enable the scaling up of renewable energy investments. See country papers for Algeria, Colombia, Jordan, Tunisia and Viet Nam.

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Renewable energy can play a key role in the economic recovery from COVID-19 by ensuring energy security, creating jobs and strengthening resilience to safeguard people’s health and welfare. This statement contains eight key actions that governments should take to ensure economic recovery that aligns with global climate and sustainability objectives.


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Since its formation in 2014, the IRENA Coalition for Action has grown to consist of over 100 members, including private sector companies, industry associations, civil society, research institutes and intergovernmental organisations.

The Coalition is open to legal entities supporting the widespread adoption and sustainable use of all forms of renewable energy, and meeting the requirements outlined in the Coalition for Action Structure Document.

To become a member of the Coalition for Action, please fill out the membership form and email it to coalition@irena.org.

View All Members

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IRENA Coalition for Action is supported and facilitated by the International Renewable Energy Agency.

Please contact us at
Email: coalition@irena.org
Phone: +971 2 417 9000

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